“师生开放交流时间(Open Office Hour)”本学期开放啦
2023-02-15     |     浏览量:9270

为增强师生互动,促进跨学科交流,打造温暖的校园文化,我校从2023年春季学期开始试行“师生开放交流时间(Open Office Hour)”。开放交流时间是教师面向全校学生公开设立的工作时间,学生可以根据公布的信息邮件预约或者直接walk-in的方式与教师进行面对面的交流。


学生可在Open Office Hour网站(上查询本学期的师生开放交流时间安排。各学院也将于开学一周内在学院网站上公布教师排班信息。

同时,如果学生对师生开放交流时间有任何的建议或意见,可以将反馈信息发送至教学工作部(学生学习指导)(tao-sls) <tao-sls@sustech.edu.cn>。

“Open Office Hour” Starting this Semester

Dear all students,

In order to enhance the interaction between students and faculties, promote interdisciplinary communication, and develop campus culture, SUSTech decides to try out the Open Office Hour starting this spring semester of 2023. Open office hours are the time slots set up by the faculties for all students in SUSTech. Students can face-to-face meet and communicate with faculties by making appointments through emails or directly walking in during the open office hours.

 “Teachers are supposed to preach morals, impart knowledge and dispel doubts.” Whether it is about academic problems, life difficulties, hotspot news, or international trends, students can discuss with their faculties during the open office hours.

Students will be able to look up the open office hour schedules of the current semester on the website: Departments should also upload and publish their open office hour schedules on departments’ websites within the first week of the semester.

Should anybody have questions, feedbacks or suggestions, feel free to contact the Teaching Affairs Office (Student Learning Support) via Email: tao-sls@sustech.edu.cn.

供稿: 教学工作部
