Academician Tu Yongqiang gives lecture on total synthesis of the bioactive natural compounds
| 01/05/2016

Recently, the Academician Tu Yongqiang, executive member of Chinese Chemical Society, was invited to the 57th session of SUSTC Lecture to give a lecture on the topic Total Synthesis of the Bioactive Natural Compounds” 

Professor Tu Yongqiang was elected as the Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. As the Professor at Lanzhou University, Shanghai Jiaotong University and Space Science andand the Director of State Key Laboratory of Applied Organic Chemistry (2001-2010).  Since 2012, he has been the Associate Editor of Chem. Commun., published by the Royal Society of Chemistry. His research interest covers synthetic studies of the biologically active marine natural products and tandem reaction and its application to total synthesis of bioactive alkaloids.

As the general separation and analysis techniques of compounds improved, native compounds are discovered ceaselessly. Academician Tu discussed the topic on the total synthesis of the bioactive natural compounds, the particular synthesize technique and inspirations on research.