2nd Faculty Committee of SUSTech Holds Inaugural Meeting
| 06/01/2016

On the afternoon of May 27, 2016, the 2nd Faculty Committee of SUSTech held an inaugural meeting in Room 301 of the Administration Building. President Chen Shiyi, Vice-President Wu Chuanyue, Vice-President Tang Tao, Deputy Director of Preparation Office Han Wei and other school leaders, along with committee members elected by various departments, attended the meeting.

At the beginning of the meeting, Han Wei reported on the preparatory work for the 2nd Faculty Committee.

The 2nd Faculty Committee Inaugural Meeting

After consultation, all members approved through voting the election of Professor Wang Xuefeng from Department of Mathematics as Committee Chairman and Associate Professor Zheng Yi from School of Environmental Science and Engineering as Committee Vice-Chairman. Thus the 2nd Faculty Committee of SUSTech was officially established.

Left: Professor Wang Xuefeng  Right: Associate Professor Zheng Yi

The newly-elected chairman and vice-chairman respectively made a speech in the meeting. Professor Wang Xuefeng thanked the university and professors for trusting  him. Wang hoped that the Faculty Committee would constitute a bridge for effective communication between professors, administrative departments and the Academic Board. He also expected that the Faculty Committee would offer the university constructive ideas on its work in all fields and help SUSTech realize the goal of becoming a top-tier international research university. Zheng said that as the vice-chairman, he would cooperate fully with the chairman to serve the university and professors.

President Chen Shiyi is delivering a speech

President Chen Shiyi congratulated the newly-elected chairman and vice-chairman. He pointed out that the official establishment of the 2nd Faculty Committee of SUSTech, with members elected in accordance with the Faculty Committee Chapter, embodies SUSTech’s practice in ensuring full faculty participation in the governance of academic affairs, and bears significance in China’s exploration of higher education reforms. He promised that the university would support the autonomous Faculty Committee in all aspects.

Members present had a lively discussion about the development and efficient operation of the Faculty Committee and offered a lot of constructive suggestions during the meeting.

2016, 06-01

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