SUSTech Welcomes the Class of 2016
| 09/10/2016

On September 8, 2016, SUSTech received nearly 1000 freshmen from 22 provinces all over the country. President Chen Shiyi exchanged ideas with freshmen and their parents. Heads of relevant offices and colleges were also present to welcome the freshmen.


Freshmen Enrolling

In 2016, with its own “6-3-1 comprehensive enrollment system” based on the national college entrance examination, SUSTech admitted 994 students from 22 provinces  as well as 7 international students.

In the “6-3-1 comprehensive enrollment system”, the college entrance examination achievement accounts for 60%, the SUSTech autonomous ability test scores and interview result accounts for 30%, and the high school proficiency test scores accounts for 10%.


Volunteers Welcoming Feshmen

President Chen Shiyi extended warm welcome to all freshmen of 2016. He was also delighted that SUSTech, which aims to build itself into a world-class university, received so many energetic freshmen. He expressed his wish that the university, together with freshmen, would strive together to establish SUSTech’s own features. He also hoped that all students could fulfill their targets in SUSTech.



President Chen Speaking and Taking Photos with Freshmen 

Many freshmen were impressed by the warmth they received from the senior students who welcomed them with smile and were always ready to help them. Freshmen were also attracted by the clean and beautiful campus. They expressed their expectation that they could make great achievements in SUSTech and step on a even broader platform. 

Freshmen Taking Photos

Freshmen’s parents spoke highly of SUSTech for its advanced facilities and friendly students. Parents expressed their expectation that their children could live a meaningful life in SUSTech. Some parents hoped their children would not only gain knowledge during their college life, but also learn how to be a good person and get along well with others. 


Freshmen’s Parents

Several meetings were held to make detailed arrangements to welcome the new students. In addition, the university canteen also made good preparation to ensure that students and their parents could have meals timely and pleasantly in the university. SUSTech aims to make every student feel at home and write their own stories in the university.