2019 doctoral freshman – SUSTech can stimulate our studies and research
Chris Edwards | 08/30/2019

Starting this year, Southern University of Science and Technology welcomed not only its newest group of undergraduate students, but its first group of independently recruited postgraduate students from across China and around the world. The SUSTech campus has seen a jump in vitality since their arrival, so we spoke to some of the fresh faces on campus to get their initial thoughts on SUSTech.

Doctoral candidate Liu Shuman graduated from Beijing Normal University earlier this year and has joined the School of Environmental Science and Engineering. She had heard about the life experience of her high school classmates that opted for a life in SUSTech, and this experience deeply influenced her decision to come to SUSTech.

“I think SUSTech is a place that will stimulate student’s enthusiasm for study, life and scientific research,” said Liu Shuman. She had spent a lot of time talking to Professor Liu Junguo, before deciding to apply to SUSTech. His work in the evolution of water resources and its ecological effects, water quality evaluation of water shortage and river ecological restoration was highly influential on Liu. “He is erudite, kind and humorous. I enjoyed many pleasant conversations with him, so I would really like study under his tutelage,” smiled Liu Shuman

Liu Shuman is now a member of the SUSTech community. On her arrival to SUSTech, she was impressed at the amount of greenery around campus and the high quality facilities throughout. “A lot of designs are very user-friendly. The single-room apartment for doctoral students is simple and comfortable, it’s great.”

As a doctoral student at the School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Liu Shuman hopes to learn more and grow into a better person at SUSTech. She is looking forward to focusing on scientific research and striving to produce high quality results.

As the first graduate student of SUSTech’s independent recruitment, Liu Shuman’s pride and satisfaction are beyond words: “I have a sense of purpose in my heart. We must make ourselves good enough to contribute to the development of SUSTech.”

2019, 08-30
By Chris Edwards

From the Series


Proofread ByXia Yingying

Photo BySupplied


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