Spring flowers await for return to normality
Chris Edwards | 04/18/2020

As Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) prepares for normal operations, the flowers are in full bloom and ready to provide a fragrant welcome to the young scholars as they make their way all the way south.

As students make their way through campus, the blue snowflakes (蓝雪花) and pink petunias (紫娇花) make for a beautiful scene along the Dasha River, after the vibrant red and greenery (一串红) at the entrance.

The bright yellow campanulas (黄花风铃木) near the Faculty Research Buildings move into the pink oleanders (夹竹桃) near the lakeside dormitories and the purple bauhinias (红花羊蹄甲).

The white magnolias (白玉兰) fill the air with the scent of peace and tranquility, and the orange firecrackers (炮仗花) remind students of their potential for prosperity in the future.

The lychee flowers (荔枝) will offer plenty of fruit this year in the mountains in the center of campus, and the purple lantanas (紫花马樱丹) by Green Pine Capital Stadium invite quiet reflection.

The subtle pink roses (月季) and vibrant hibiscuses (朱槿/大红花) throughout Wisdom Valley and Innovation Park allow student researchers to take a moment to ruminate on their progress.

These floral delights are a chance for the SUSTech community to revel in the beautiful blossoms spread throughout the campus.

2020, 04-18
By Chris Edwards

From the Series

Campus Life

Proofread ByYingying XIA

Photo ByOffice of Campus Operations


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