Chairperson JIANG leads a delegation to Macau University of Science and Technology
Adrian Cremin | 03/21/2024

On March 20, Hong JIANG, University Council Chairperson, led a delegation from the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) to engage in discussions and exchanges with the Macau University of Science and Technology (M.U.S.T.).

They met with Joseph Hun-wei LEE, President of M.U.S.T., along with faculty representatives, aiming to deepen cooperation between the two universities, fostering scientific and technological innovation, as well as nurturing talent.

During the visit, President Joseph Hun-wei LEE provided an overview of M.U.S.T.’s developmental journey, highlighting its scientific research accomplishments and strategic planning. He emphasized its commitment to advancing scientific research and technological innovation, which is evident in its pioneering and world-leading research results across various fields supported by two State Key Laboratories.

Acknowledging SUSTech’s remarkable strides in talent training, scientific and technological innovation, and international outreach, President Joseph Hun-wei LEE expressed eagerness for collaborative initiatives between the two universities.

He envisions joint efforts towards promoting scientific research projects and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, attracting innovative talents with an international perspective, and jointly contributing to regional socio-economic progress.

Chairperson Hong JIANG provided insights into SUSTech’s philosophy and accomplishments, emphasizing the mutual support shared between the universities in discipline development. Recognizing both SUSTech and M.U.S.T. as young universities within the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), she emphasized the importance of complementing each other’s strengths and forging a mutually beneficial and cooperative partnership.

In recognizing M.U.S.T.’s pioneering contributions to innovation within the GBA, Hong JIANG also highlighted their expertise in scientific research projects and platform establishment, underscoring the potential for SUSTech to glean insights from these achievements.

She added that SUSTech would broaden collaboration with M.U.S.T. in the areas of undergraduate exchange and cooperation programs, which would include the sharing of scientific research platforms and the establishment of joint laboratories.

Hong JIANG and her delegation also had the opportunity to visit M.U.S.T.’s History and Achievements Exhibition Hall to further understand its history.

2024, 03-21
By Adrian Cremin

From the Series

Global Influence

Proofread ByYingying XIA

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