SUSTech marks World Red Cross Day with various activities
Adrian Cremin | 05/09/2024

May 8 marked the 77th World Red Cross Day, and in celebration of this, the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) organized a themed event on campus.

Organized by the Youth League Committee and the Preparatory Office of the Affiliated Hospital at SUSTech, in collaboration with the Red Cross Society, the event drew nearly a thousand faculty members and students to partake in a multitude of activities.

Volunteers from the Red Cross took the opportunity to enlighten attendees about the history and mission of the Red Cross movement, distributing informative leaflets and hosting quizzes.

Members of the Shenzhen Red Cross Emergency Rescue Volunteer Service Team, the Shenzhen University Red Cross Alliance, and an expert team of the Affiliated Hospital of SUSTech joined forces to promote the efforts of the Red Cross. They conducted complimentary health clinics and wellness tests, offering their services to faculty members and students.

Additionally, the Red Cross Society of Shenzhen organized a special exhibition on campus to commemorate the 77th World Red Cross Day. The exhibition showcased the significant contributions and achievements of the Red Cross through visually compelling posters and informative text displays.

Siqing LI, an undergraduate student at Shuren College, expressed how the event enriched her understanding of the Red Cross and fostered inter-university communication among Red Cross societies.

Yaokun He, an undergraduate student at Zhicheng College and Red Cross volunteer, noted that he would further his knowledge of emergency first aid and continue to support the mission of the Red Cross.

2024, 05-09
By Adrian Cremin

From the Series

Campus Life

Proofread ByYingying XIA

Photo ByYouth League Committee


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