President Chen Shiyi wins 2017 “Outstanding Scientist Award”
Yu Yin | 09/17/2017

On September 16 2017, Hong Kong’s Qiu Shi Science & Technologies Foundation held the 2017 “Outstanding Scientist Awards” at the Fudan University and announced the winners of this year’s edition. Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, President of the Southern University of Science and Technology and Professor of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering Dr. Chen Shiyi was declared laureate of the prestigious title of “Outstanding Scientist Award.”

The award was attributed to Chen Shiyi for his work on turbulence which has made significant contributions to the field. In the early 1990s, he broke the world record of the Reynolds number in the direct numerical simulation at that time. The related research results were widely cited by the international turbulence community. For the first time, the scale index of the turbulence and the scale index of the convective diffusion process were calculated. This paper has become an important theoretical and numerical basis for the combustion and turbulence diffusion in turbulence research. The mechanism of large-scale vortex formation in nature has been proposed, and the energy backlog has been explained. A large-eddy simulation model of turbulence was proposed, which provided results of accurate turbulence calculation of the resistance and separation flow. Chen Shiyi is one of the founders of the lattice Boltzmann method, a method which combines the characteristics of statistical physics and hydrodynamics to solve the partial differential equations and simulates hydrodynamics and other physical and chemical processes to achieve efficient parallel computing. One of the most active research topics in fluid mechanics. Chen Shiyi and his team used a multi-scale hybrid algorithm to study the fluid physics spanning more than a number of spatial and temporal scales, and for the first time accurately calculated the singularity of the flow phenomenon.

Dr. Chen was one of two laureates of the “Outstanding Scientist Award” alongside Harvard University and Peking University Professor Xie Xiaoliang. At the awards ceremony, the titles of “Outstanding Scientific Research Team Award “, “Outstanding Young Scholar Award” were also handed out to member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Lunar Exploration Program general designer and consultant for the Qiu Shi Science & Technologies Foundation Sun Jiadong and certificates were handed out by the Qiu Shi Science & Technologies Foundation Chairman CHA Mou Sing. Nobel laureate Chen Ning Yang then took to the stage to give a speech.

In his award-winning speech, Dr Chen thanked the Qiu Shi Science & Technologies Foundation and his mentors, colleagues and students. He said that the “Outstanding Scientist Award” was given to him for his the work at Peking University and SUSTech as a sign of recognition and encouragement. He pointed out that turbulence is a problem that spans multiple disciplines and is one of the dilemmas in mathematics, physics, and engineering sciences, and turbulence research is important and worthy of research. He hopes that his award will encourage young people to study turbulence, and also hopes that more awards will be dedicated to support the important applications that flow from basic scientific research. Finally he concluded by underlining his commitment to build SUSTech into a world-class research university with Chinese characteristics.

On September 15 2017, the “Large Aircraft Science and Engineering” forum was held at Fudan University, during which Chen Shiyi gave a speech on turbulence research.


The Qiu Shi Science & Technologies Foundation was established by Mr. CHA Chi Ming (1914-2007) and his family in Hong Kong in 1994. It was named after the present Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, formerly known as Qiu Shi Academy. In Chinese, “Qiu Shi” means the pursuit of truth. The primary mission of the Foundation is to promote scientific and technological progress in China by recognizing and rewarding successful Chinese scientists and scholars.

The Foundation’s advisory board consists of a group of distinguished and internationally acclaimed scientists, namely, Professors Chen Ning YANG, ZHOU Guangzhao, Yuet Wai KAN, David HO, HAN Qide, SUN Jiadong, and SHI Yigong. The late Professor Shiing-Shen CHERN, an acclaimed mathematician, and Professors Yuan Tseh LEE and Andrew Chi-Chih YAO were also our former advisors. Our advisors are solely responsible for the selection and evaluation of candidates for the various Qiu Shi Awards.

From 1994 to 2014, at last count, Qiu Shi Awards have been bestowed upon 248 outstanding Chinese scientists, representing the fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, engineering and so on. Respectively, 1 individual had received the Qiu Shi Lifetime Achievement Award, 23 for the Outstanding Scientist Award, 139 for the Outstanding Young Scholar Award, and 85 for the Outstanding Scientific Research Team Award.



2017, 09-17
By Yu Yin

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Proofread ByXia Yingying

Photo ByYu Yin, Fu Song


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