JHU expert on geriatric medicine primary care gives lecture at SUSTech
| 09/14/2017

On September 13 2017, Associate Professor Colleen Christmas from the Johns Hopkins University’s School of Medicine was invited to visit SUSTech to give a wonderful lecture entitled “How to age successfully” for professors and students.

During the lecture, Professor Colleen Christmas explained how there are two different situations relating to aging: one is the normal occurrence of physiological aging, the other is caused by disease, namely pathogenic aging, and both are natural laws. However, when people maintain a healthy lifestyle, it is possible to effectively delay aging and improve the quality of one’s life.

Professor Christmas then introduced several cases of elder individuals, who according to her medical experience, were textbook examples of the important role played by appropriate exercise, sleep and a reasonable diet in prolonging one’s lifespan.

Professor Christmas concluded the lecture on a humorous tone to win the laughter and applause of the professors and students. Some praised Professor Christmas for not delving into complicated data and technical terms, but rather provided vivid examples of her “eat, exercise, sleep,” concept, to give the audience an interesting and relevant lesson on how to live a healthier and longer life, and how they can start right here and now on campus.


2017, 09-14

From the Series

Lecture Series

Proofread ByXia Yingying

Photo BySchool of Medicine


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