Prof. Chuan-Feng Chen from ICCAS presents a report for the teachers and students in SUSTC
| 10/23/2015

On October 23rd, invited by Associate Prof. Wei Jiang, Professor Chuan-Feng Chen from Institute of Chemistry, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICCAS) visited department of chemistry, SUSTC, and gave an academic lecture titled  “Triptycene-Derived Crown Ether Hosts for Molecular Recognition and Self-Assembly”. Faculty staffs and students attended this seminar.

After a brief introduction to the background of supramolecular chemistry and various synthetic macrocyclic hosts, recent advances on the synthesis and characterization of triptycene-derived crown ether hosts, their host-guest properties, and their applications in self-assembled complexes such as molecular shuttle, molecular cable car, supramolecular polymers, were described in detail.

All participants benefit a lot from this one-hour-long lecture. Prof. Chen also had an extensive discussion with the faculties and students regarding of this lecture and related. Dr. Wei Jiang issued him an “Honor Certificate” after his remarkable speech.

Chuan-Feng Chen was born in Anhui, China in 1965. He received his Ph.D. degree from Nanjing University in 1995. After working as a postdoctoral fellow at ICCAS for 2 years, he became an associate professor at the same institute. From 1998 to 2001 he worked as a visiting scientist at the University of New Mexico. Then he was promoted to a full professor of ICCAS in 2001. He was awarded the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars in 2006. His current research interests are mainly focused on supramolecular chemistry based on novel synthetic hosts, and helicene chemistry.