Prof. Yu Luping from University of Chicago visit Materials Science and Engineering Department
| 04/22/2015

On April 21th, 2015, by Prof. Liang Yongye of Materials Science and Engineering Department, Prof. Yu Luping from University of Chicago was invited to visit SUSTC and give us a wonderful lecture entitled” Molecular Electronics – Design Functions Beyond Molecular Wires Based On Dipolar Effect”.The lecture has attracted more than 200 teachers and students to attend.


Prof. Yu’s research is focused oninter disciplinary areas between chemistry and materials science. This includes development of new materials for energy chemistry including organic solar cellsand hydrogen storage. He is also interested in development of new polymerization approaches for the synthesis of functional polymers(electro-optical polymers and biocompatible polymers), synthesis and characterizations of molecular electronic components, new surface reactivityand supramolecular assembly approaches for self-assembly of nano structuredmaterials and development of polymeric materials for drug-deliveryapplications. After the lecture, prof. Yu talked deeply with students on some concerned questions and research fields.


Prof. Yu is one of the pioneering scientists for conjugated polymer synthesis, high performance polymer solar cells, and molecular rectifiers. Hehas authorized over 200 papers in peer-reviewed journals with more than 13000citations.