Professor Chen Kani, from Hong Kong University of Science and technology presented an academic report titled “The Binary Switch Portfolio” to SUSTC students and teachers
| 04/03/2015

Professor Chen Kani, from HongKong University of Science and technology presented an academic report titled “TheBinary Switch Portfolio” to SUSTC students and teachers at the Conference Room 310of the Faculty Research Building 2 at 3’o clock on March 31st at the invitationof Financial Mathematical and Financial Engineering Department of SouthUniversity of Science and technology of China (SUSTC).

As an internationally renownedresearcher and scholar in Statistics, Professor Chen Kani hasmade outstanding achievements in Survival and Longitudinal Data Analysis,Empirical Process, Stochastic Modeling.

The report is about an investment strategy:Binary Switch Portfolio. Professor Chen Kani first introduced Binary SwitchPortfolio theory, then he showed the empirical results by applying thisstrategy to the stock market data from the New York Stock Exchangeand Hong Kong Stock exchange. Professor Chen Kani further elaboratedthat the Binary Switch Portfolio performs better by comparing to otherinvestment strategies.

This report attracted manyteachers and students from the FE &FG and other freshmen and sophomores.During interaction, Professor Chen Kani answered the teachers and students’questions carefully. Many students have said that this report has broadenedtheir horizons and that they have learned a lot of knowledge about financeand statisticsfrom this report which will benefits a lot.

2015, 04-03

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