Symposium on Frontiers in Nano Research-Addressing Challenges in Biotechnonogy, Energy & Electronics Held in SUSTC
| 07/10/2015

Symposium on Frontiers in Nano Research-Addressing Challenges inBiotechnonogy, Energy & Electronics Held in Our University

 Photo with experts participating in symposium

On July 7, 2015, Symposium on Frontiers in NanoResearch-Addressing Challenges in Biotechnonogy, Energy & Electronics ofShenzhen Independent Innovation Lecture Hall cosponsored by Shenzhen Associationfor Science and Technology, and Materials Science and Engineering Department ofSUSTC was held in our university. More than 100 people including teachers andstudents of our university as well as staffs from Shenzhen relevant enterprisesand R&D institutions were participated in this event.

The symposium mainly focused on the latestdevelopments and challenges of basic and application study in nanometer fieldto exchange and discuss views in depth, and the topics for discussions in thissymposium involved in applications of multilevel three-dimensional carbon nanostructures, nanoarray synthesis and electrochemical applications thereof, tumoroptical therapy of functional nano materials, and molecular regulationstrategies of nano materials, etc.

Vice president Tang Tao of our universityattended the symposium and made a speech; he expressed his welcome to theexperts coming from afar and introduced the development course, disciplineconstruction and other conditions of the SUSTC.

Academician of American Academy of Arts andSciences and professor of Stanford University Dai Hongjie delivered a speechunder the title of Novel Materials for Nanomedicine and Renewable Energy. ProfessorDai began with nano conception and introduced novel materials applicable to nanomedicineand renewable energy.

The subsequent symposium was presided by theprofessor Dai Hongjie. Researcher of Suzhou Institute for Nanotechnology andexpert of national”Thousand Talent Program” ZhangYuegang, professor of Beijing University of Chemical Technology and winner of theNational Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars Sun Xiaoming, professorof Suzhou University and winner of the National Science Fund for DistinguishedYoung Scholars Liu Zhuang, professor of Nanjing University and winner of theNational Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars Wang Xinran, professorof SUSTC and expert of Thousand Talent Program for Young Outstanding ScientistsHe Jiaqing, professor of Suzhou University and expert of Thousand TalentProgram for Young Outstanding Scientists Li Yanguang, researcher of nano centerof CAS Xie Liming, researcher of Fudan University and expert of Thousand TalentProgram for Young Outstanding Scientists Wei Dacheng, researcher of Instituteof Physics of CAS and winner of the National Science Fund for DistinguishedYoung Scholars Zhang Guangyu, associate professor of SUSTC and expert of ThousandTalent Program for Young Outstanding Scientists Liang Yongye shared theresearch developments and achievements in their fields successively.