The International Conference on Energy, Materials and Photonics 2015 (EMP15) was successfully hold in our University.
| 07/06/2015

The International Conference on Energy, Materials and Photonics 2015(EMP15) was successfully hold at our university from 04-July to 05-July. EMP15was jointly organized by department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering(EEE), South University of Science and Technology of China (SUSTC), OpticalSociety of America (OSA) Shenzhen Section, and Society of Energy Photonics(SEP). Associate Professor Rui Chen, from department of EEE @ SUSTC, has servedas the Program Chair of the conference and organized this conference.

Professor Xiao Wei Sun, from Nanyang Technological University, isthe Conference Chair; Professor Xinhai Zhang from our University is ExecutiveChair, while Assistant Professor Shuming Chen, Dan Luo, and Kai Wang wereserved as the Local Organizing Committee. Experts from the US, Europe,Singapore and all over the country gathered at the table of friendship and seekcommon academic exchange and collaboration.

During the opening ceremony, Professor Tao Tang, Vice-President ofSUSTC, represents President Shiyi Chen to present the remarks and welcomeexperts to visit SUSTC, and he wishes the conference a complete success. Thedepartment head of EEE @ SUSTC, Professor Yifan Chen welcomed all attendees onbehalf of EEE, and Professor Xiaowei Sun from Nanyang Technological Universitygave speech on behalf of the conference organization.

During the conference, experts have discussed the trend of researchon energy, materials and photonics. They not only bring the most cutting-edgeresearch in this field, but also provide a good opportunity to promote the“research” to “industry”.

It is announced that the next conference (EMP16) will be hosted in Francenext year, by University of Technology of Troyes.