Academician Tao Shu interpreted the relationship of combustion source and atmospheric pollution at SUSTC lecture
| 09/25/2015

On Sep. 23, 2015, Tao Shu, academician of CAS, environmental geographer, professor of Peking University was invited by SUSTC to the 32nd SUSTC Lecture and gave a speech titled “Database of global combustion source and its application” in the Lecture Hall of the first research building in SUSTC. Lu Chun, school dean of general affair, is the host of the seminar.

In the seminar, Professor Tao Shu started from the hazard of PAH and represented the contents of high resolution list of national sub-scale of black wood charcoal, mercury combustion source, PAH, carbon dioxide and so on, constructed a trans-time-space model that can predict combustion source in the future through simulation between continents by combining the data research and analysis of combustion source in the recent ten years. And then, he introduced the condition of gene susceptibility, average exposure density, potential health risks by taking an example of the occurrence of lung cancer. He clearly showed students a grand global model, making students attended truly feel the close relationship between the research of database of combustion source and human’s life and health. At last, Professor Tao proposed the approach to control atmospheric pollution from the aspect of policy research.

Atmospheric pollution source emission inventory is the initial input data in the air pollution model and the precondition for research the physiochemical process of air pollutant in atmosphere; it plays an important role in simulation of secondary pollutants, understanding the air pollution condition of certain area, establishing suitable emission reduction scheme, as well as formulating national environmental policy.

The report of Professor Tao shu was simple but profound, and audience in the lecture hall burst into applause. Students actively asked their questions in the interactive links. The excellent report of Professor Tao has further widened the academic view of teachers and students in SUSTC and makes students of SUSTC in the frontier of reforming realize the significance of striving for innovation and based on the cutting edge.

Introduction to Academician Tao Shu:
Academician Tao Shu mainly works on the research of environmental geography and has obtained system outcomes in aspects such as micro organic pollutants and environmental process study of heavy metal area, form, migratory activity and bio-availability of micropollutant, geochemical process of regional environment, regional fate model and risk assessment, microenvironment behavior of pollutants interface and so on; in recent years, he pays attention to the study of simulation of persistent organic pollutant fate model, exposure analysis and health risk assessment. Academician Tao Shu is a committee member of National Advisory Committee on Environment, vice chairman of Geographical Society of China, subeditor of JES, Journal of toxicology, Journal of Environmental Sciences and other journals.