SUSTC Convened Autumn Seminar on Selection & Cultivation of Innovative Talents for 2015
| 11/02/2015

On October 31 and November 1, 2015, SUSTC convened Autumn Seminar on Selection & Cultivation of Innovative Talents for 2015, which was attended by SUSTC Party Secretary Li Ming, President Chen Shiyi, Vice President Wu Chuanyue, Chief Accountant Ye Qin, Vice Director Han Wei of Preparatory Office, Director Zhao Yusheng of Research Department, Vice Director-General Fan Kun of Shenzhen Education Bureau, Director Han Rongfei of Inner Mongolia Education, Admission and Exam Center, Director Zhu Yushan of Higher Education Admission Office of Henan Province, principals of Jiangsu Provincial Education Examination Authority, Hunan Provincial Education Examination Board, Shaanxi Examination Administration Center, principals of more than 50 exemplary senior high schools, principals of SUSTC departments and schools, and teachers in charge of admissions, etc. 

Seminar pictures

Speech by SUSTC Party Secretary Li Ming

Party Secretary Li Ming made a speech at the Seminar. He said SUSTC is a public university wholly established by Shenzhen as a pilot-test university of comprehensive reform in the national higher education. The target is to build it into a small, international, high-level and research-oriented university. In accordance with the government-made Provisional Regulations on SUSTC Management, SUSTC adopts the governance of Board of Directors, which makes major decisions for the University and empowers the SUSTC with internal administration right. Adhering to the principles featuring “Party Committee leads, President takes the charge, professors teach and all people supervise”, SUSTC engages in management, reform and development by following the constitution of the university. Employing its unique model of education, SUSTC has made major progress in international development. It has gone into multi-level partnership with many Chinese and overseas universities in various forms, and has initiated a few postgraduate programs in collaboration with its Chinese and overseas counterparts. At the same time, SUSTC is also working hard to push forward synergy among the university, research institutes and enterprises so as to translate the R&D results into productivity. Party Secretary Li Ming pointed out the route and approaches adopted by SUSTC are conducive to the cultivation of innovative talents. He hoped the senior high schools can keep sending their graduates to SUSTC, which will never let down the admission & exam departments or principals of high schools. 

Vice Director-General Fan Kun gave the speech 

In his speech, Vice Director-General Fan Kun said SUSTC is the example of innovative development. In particular, the “631 comprehensive evaluation & admission model”, first taken by the University, represents the major direction of Chinese reform in higher-education admissions. Over the past 2 years, Shenzhen students recruited by SUSTC accounted for half of those coming from Guangdong Province and their NCEE scores reach the level required by 985 Program universities. They are proud of being recruited by SUSTC, which is also proud of them because they will become the excellent innovative talents after graduation. He hoped to see more senior high school students will choose SUSTC as their first choice. 

Vice President Wu Chuanyue made the report 

SUSTC Vice President Wu Chuanyue made a keynote report entitled Make Rapid Steps towards the Uniquely Excellent University. From 4 aspects, e.g., looking into the starry sky and make the dream for a first-class University, exploring the new route for the development of higher education, consolidating the foundation for a century-old university, and soliciting the exception students, Vice President Wu introduced the mission, target, vision and features of SUSTC while elaborating on major progress made by the University in admission reform, cultivation of undergraduates and postgraduates, introduction of faculty members, setup of disciplines and innovation in teaching and research, and voicing his expectations for the excellent graduates from senior high schools.

President Chen Shiyi made speech

President Chen Shiyi made the last speech. He said, SUSTC is a different university. At first, SUSTC has original mechanism and system. For instance, the 631 comprehensive evaluation & admission model, compared with traditional model, can recruit more versatile and more innovative students so as to present the modern philosophy of higher education. Second, SUSTC has original education philosophy. The university cultivates students while focusing on them. For instance, in the first 2 years, they students do not have to select a major. Instead, they can choose courses based on their interest and strong points. In this way, the University genuinely considers the future of the students and cares for their growth. Third, SUSTC has the new foundation. As a newly-established university, all things can be designed afresh, instead of renovations. For example, the international development, average level and ratio of excellent teachers in its faculty rank the leading position in China. The University, though it is small, has better quality. And the teacher-student ratio is the highest in China. In this way, details can be focused and most beautiful campus is built in the University. All parents and students, once entering the University, would feel reluctant to leave it and believe it is the ideal one in their mind. Fourth, SUSTC has the original target and means of cultivation. By enhancing the English teaching, employing the famous professor and engaging in international education, SUSTC is dedicated to cultivating elite talents with innovative philosophy and capacity who meet the major needs of China. President Chen Shiyi said that SUSTC should make innovations and reforms and set the pace for the Chinese reforms in higher education. At the same time, it will highlight its features in research, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit, thus becoming a brilliant biz card of Shenzhen in the near future. 

Participants visited the laboratory 

Senior high school principals made group discussions

During the Seminar, the participants also visited the campus and laboratory in SUSTC, giving praise for the excellent environment and the premium laboratory facilities. They also made discussions about how to select and cultivate the innovative talents. They discussed about the universities and high schools making joint efforts to select and foster the excellent students, reform and admission model and make innovations in the model of talent cultivation. Besides, they also met and talked with SUSTC students to learn about the teaching resources, means of cultivation and experience of SUSTC students. The participants also visited the famous high-tech enterprise Huawei in Shenzhen.

Seminar participants visit Huawei

Seminar group photo

(Contributed by the Admission Office)