Department of Mathematics Hosts First East Asia Symposium of IPIA
| 03/02/2016

In the past two days, the First East Asia Symposium of Inverse Problems International Association was held at conference room 706 of Department of Mathematics. The symposium was co-sponsored by Southern University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Institute of Advanced Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University, Chinese University of Kong Kong, and University of Washington. LI Jingzhi, Associate Head of Department of Mathematics hosted the symposium, and vice president Tang Tao made the opening  speech.

Participants were from over 30 universities at home and abroad, including the above mentioned institutions, as well as Inha University, Korea, National Taiwan University, Sun Yat-sen University, Xi’an Jiaotong University, South China Normal University and Shenzhen University.

Through the productive discussions from February 29 to March 1, young scholars have gained a lot from senior experts in this field including Gunther Uhlmann. This event has built a platform for scholastic exchanges in Inverse Problems, and also served as a bridge for international scholars to get close to Department of Mathematics of SUSTech.