UMich Vice President for Research S. Jack Hu visits SUSTech
| 10/18/2016

On the afternoon of October 16, 2016, S. Jack Hu, Vice President for Research at University of Michigan (UMich), led the Office of Technology Transfer, the Global Engagement Office of the College of Engineering and other departments of UMich to Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). Wang Duoxiang, Vice President of SUSTech; heads of the Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering and the Department of Biology; as well as heads of the Beijing Institute of Collaborative Innovation held talks with the visitors.


Hu visited SUSTech to discuss the implementation of the “All-round Cooperation Agreement among University of Michigan, Southern University of Science and Technology and Beijing Institute of Collaborative Innovation” and the “MOU on Building International Collaborative Laboratory of Advanced Manufacturing among Beijing Institute of Collaborative Innovation, University of Michigan, Southern University of Science and Technology”. The three sides exchanged ideas on talent training, joint research, positioning of the international collaborative laboratory, operation mechanism, achievement transformation, intellectual property and other issues.


2016, 10-18

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