Columbia University’s Dean of the Faculty of International and Public Affairs visits SUSTech
| 06/28/2017

On June 24th 2017, Pr Merit Janow, Dean of the Faculty of International and Public Affairs of Columbia University came to pay a visit to SUSTech. President Chen Shiyi was there to welcome her as well as Pr Hou Shengtao, Director of the Global Engagement Office University, the professors of the Finance Department and student representatives to attend the talks.

Visiting the campus plans model table

Chen welcomed Janow to the campus, and said that SUSTech was still in the process of internationalization and is actively establishing a scientific research and education partnership with world-class universities. He also said that SUSTech aims to build closer ties with Columbia University’s International and Public Affairs, which could include joint research programs and innovative education systems. Hou followed with a speech to introduce the overall situation of Shenzhen and SUSTech, its development plans, the faculty and the various scientific research fields and international cooperation programs already in place.

Group photo

During the talks, the two sides further exchanged on issues relating to scientific research cooperation, undergraduate and postgraduate exchanges and collaborative training, and reached a preliminary consensus.

After the meeting, Merit Janow and the Department of Finance professors and students discussed more specialised subjects such as information technology innovations and public policies, and also accompanied the visitors on a tour of the campus future development plans.


2017, 06-28

From the Series

Global Influence

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Photo ByGlobal Engagement Office


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