SUSTech Academicians plant trees in city park during National Tree-planting Day event
Tong Xiaojin | 03/12/2018

March 12th is China’s annual Tree-Planting Day, which was created in 1981. On this day, Chinese people, from all walks of life, will put their work aside for a moment, take shovels and buckets as well as saplings, and trek out to green up their hometowns.

Academicians from across Shenzhen were invited to the city’s Talent Park to take part in a tree-planting event. The academicians worked together to fill in the soil, water seedlings and work out some improvements to the local environment.

A team of academicians from SUSTech was invited to partake the event, which  included Professor Yu Dapeng (Department of Physics), Professor Liu Ke (Department of Chemistry), and Professor Wang Quan (Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering). The Municipal Committee member and the Director of  Municipal Organization Department, Zheng Ke also attended the event. It shows that SUSTech thinks highly of protecting the environment of our university and the city.

The academicians wrote messages for the event. Professor Yu Dapeng’s message was “Stunning Shenzhen,” speaking to his view that the good natural environment of Shenzhen is an important factor to attract high-quality talent to Shenzhen. He felt that protecting Shenzhen’s environment is meaningful, which can attract more talents.

Professor Liu Ke left the message “An ideal city for entrepreneurs.” He said that the beautiful scenery of Shenzhen can inspire talents, therefore they can continue to contribute to Shenzhen. Professor Wang Quan wrote down “Love Shenzhen.” He said that when he came to Shenzhen and SUSTech, the city and university attached great importance to attracting and cultivating talents.“I trust that in Shenzhen, I can continue to cultivate talents in the future, just like what I do today. ”

During this activity, the academicans expressed their love and expection for Shenzhen and SUSTech. They hoped that in the future, Shenzhen and SUSTech can continue to protect our environment, building a good environment for citizens and talents.


2018, 03-12
By Tong Xiaojin

From the Series


Proofread ByChris Edwards

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