Internet and Information Technology Sub-Forum Hosted at SUSTech
Fan Yining | 05/25/2018

On May 22, SUSTech held the Internet and Information Technology Sub-Forum of the 10th Nanshan Academic Forum for Ph.D. candidates from Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.

Mechanics Chair Professor, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and the Canadian Academy of Engineering, and Graduate School Vice Dean of General Affairs Wang Quan opened the forum. Computer Science Professor and Associate Editor of “Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics” (published by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Qu Huamin presented on the important topic of “Visual Analytics for Big Data and Explainable AI.”

The sub-forum received many submissions from outstanding students at top universities across mainland China, as well as Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. More than 20 invited student authors displayed their academic posters at the sub-forum. Seven graduate students from universities such as SUSTech, Tsinghua University, CUHK, and the Macau University of Science and Technology reported on their papers and highlighted their academic talents.

The judges included Qu Huamin, Yang Shuanghua, Shi Yuhui, Li Xianfeng and Wangfei. Vice Dean Yang Shuanghua closed the forum and announced the results. SUSTech Ph.D. candidate Zhang Yue from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering received the highest score for the paper and won first prize.

2018, 05-25
By Fan Yining

From the Series

Forums and Symposiums

Proofread ByChris Edwards

Photo BySUSTech Graduate School


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