Computer Science Postdocs from Tsinghua University Visits SUSTech
Fan Yining | 05/25/2018

On May 22, a delegation of computer science postdoctoral researchers from Tsinghua University visited the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and the Institute of Future Networks Technology at SUSTech. Chair Yang Shiqiang and Vice Director Xu Ke from Tsinghua University’s Department of Computer Science and Technology led the delegation of over 20 people.

Department Head of SUSTech Computer Science and Engineering Yao Xin briefly introduced the current curriculum, academic development and talent education of computer science at SUSTech. He expressed that SUSTech and Tsinghua University should engage in further collaborations in the future. Faculty members and students from both universities exchanged ideas, while the Tsinghua delegation members spoke highly of SUSTech’s achievements in the past few years.


2018, 05-25
By Fan Yining

From the Series

University Visitors

Proofread ByChris Edwards

Photo ByFuture Networks Technology Institute


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