Jagiellonian University Delegates Visits SUSTech
Fan Yining | 05/30/2018

On May 28, SUSTech Vice President Lu Chun welcomed Adam Jelonek, the Jagiellonian University (JU) Rector’s Proxy for Internationalization. They exchanged opinions on visiting scholar programs as well as student and faculty exchange.

On behalf of SUSTech, Lu Chun expressed his enthusiasm for further collaborations with top universities in Eastern and Central Europe, hoping SUSTech and JU would strengthen their ties in the process.

Adam Jelonek, political scientist and former Polish Ambassador to Malaysia, Brunei and the Philippines, reassured Lu Chun and others that there would be continued Sino-Polish academic collaborations. He added that JU had maintained academic ties with many Chinese universities and that JU would continue to work with SUSTech in a number of fields.

In the previous week, a JU delegation had attended SUSTech. Delegates included Dean Malgorzata Osinska from the Confucius Institute at Kraków, Dean Wojciech Macyk from Faculty of Chemistry, and Dean Representative Piotr Cyganik from Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science. SUSTech representatives who accompanied the JU guests were Director Hou Shengtao from Global Engagement Office, Vice Chair of the Chemistry Department Huang Limin, and Associate Professor Leonardo Modesto from the Physics Department.

 After productive discussions at the meeting, the delegation went to UNESCO-ICHEI and exchanged ideas with ICHEI Director Li Ming and other staff at the center.

Founded in 1364, the Jagiellonian University is the oldest university in Poland, and one of the oldest surviving universities in the world. As one of the key research bases in Europe, JU signed a Memorandum of Understanding with SUSTech in April 2017.

For more information on JU, please visit http://www.en.uj.edu.pl/en_GB 


2018, 05-30
By Fan Yining

From the Series

Global Influence

Proofread ByChris Edwards

Photo ByGlobal Engagement Office


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