From June 18 to 29, the International Conference on Dynamical Systems was hosted by the Department of Mathematics in the Lynn Library. The conference attracted nearly 100 scholars from all over the world. Keynote speakers included Field Prize and Wolf Prize winner Stephen Smale and Chinese Academy of Sciences Academician Wen Lan. Over the two weeks, about 50 courses and academic reports were presented on cutting-edge issues around dynamical systems. President Chen Shiyi was a regular attendee at the conference.
At the opening ceremony on June 18th, Chair Professor and Head of Department Xia Zhihong introduced Shenzhen and SUSTech to the conference delegates, focusing specifically on recent developments for both SUSTech and Shenzhen, as well as the future of SUSTech. He also invited the scholars to come back to SUSTech for academic and intellectual exchanges.
The conference then broke up into seminars and group meetings. Scholars from a variety of countries spoke about their latest research reports.
June 26 saw legendary mathematician and the original creator of the dynamical system discipline, Professor Stephen Smale, give his keynote speech. President Chen welcomed Professor Smale and explained his understanding of the professor’s famous Smale Horseshoe study.
It was an impressive line-up of high-powered mathematicians. Many renowned mathematicians from US institutions were in attendance, including University of Chicago Professor Amie Wilkinson, who was invited to give a 45-minute report at the International Congress of Mathematicians. University of North Carolina Professor Idris Assani and San Francisco State University Professor Yitwah Cheung were joined by three professors from Northwestern University, in Professor Keith Burns, Professor John Franks, and Clark Robinson. University of Colorado Professor Robert Easton was joined by Michigan State University Professor Sheldon Newhouse and University of California Berkeley Professor Charles Pugh.
Other international institutions also had famous mathematicians at SUSTech. Our own Federico Rodriguez Jana Hertz, formerly of Penn State University, was joined by Professor Sylvain Crovisier for the 11th University of Paris and Professor Enrique Pujals of the National Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics in Brazil. Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro Professor Lorenzo Diaz and Professor Francois of the French Center for Scientific Research also made substantial contributions.
Chinese universities also had a considerable presence, with Professor Shen Weixiao from Fudan University, Nankai University Professor You Jiangong and Professor Ye Xiangdong from the University of Science and Technology China getting involved in a variety of meetings and seminars.
In 1968, the University of California Berkeley held the first meeting on the topic of “Large Range Analysis,” and dynamical systems constitute a significant component of this analysis. It was the first substantive international meeting of dynamical systems and laid out the independence of the emerging theoretical branch of mathematics. Since then, the conference has been held almost every year. Two years ago, SUSTech co-sponsored the International Conference on the Statistical Nature of Dynamical Systems in conjunction with the National Natural Science Foundation of the United States.
This is the 50th anniversary of the first meeting in Berkeley. As an emerging force in the field of dynamical systems, SUSTech’s Department of Mathematics was proud to host the International Conference on Dynamical Systems again. Participants said that the success of the conference showed the strength and character of SUSTech’s Mathematics Department, specifically in the field of Dynamical Systems.