SUSTech Students Win National Student Contest of Software Testing
Chris Edwards | 11/19/2018

Students from Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) were successful at the recent finals of the 2018 National Student Contest of Software Testing. The SUSTech students from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering came first in the “Developer Test Individual Competition.” Undergraduate student Liu Yi won the national championship, and the team won numerous second prizes. This is the first time that SUSTech has participated in the event.

The 2018 National Student Contest of Software Testing sets up individual competitions for all college students. There are different sorts of tests, including developer testing, mobile application testing, and web application testing, all using built-in systems. The contest topics come from the open source communities and software companies. The contest is divided into the June summer qualifiers and the October fall qualifiers, the regional finals, and the finals. Each round of competition is independently scored and awarded. In the Guangdong Province finals in early November, junior student Liu Yi, senior student Fan Zhiyu, and postgraduate Li Linlin won first, second and third prizes in the individual developer test competition.

The three students performed even better in the national finals. Liu Yi won the developer’s special award. Fan Zhiyu won first prize, and Li Linlin got third prize nationally. The team was led by Department of Computer Science and Engineering Assistant Professors Liu Yepang and Chen Xinhui

The Contest is supported by the Ministry of Education, the National Higher Education Institution and several Chinese computing and software societies. This is the third year that the competition has been held, with more than twenty-five thousand participants from more than 330 universities.

The Intelligent Software Engineering Group of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at SUSTech currently has four instructors. Its main research directions include search-based software engineering, software testing and analysis, automatic software repair, service computing, mobile computing, and software security.

2018, 11-19
By Chris Edwards

From the Series

Proofread ByXia Yingying

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