SUSTech’s new course selection system is launched
Yiqiu Wu | 02/20/2019

Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) is constantly exploring and innovating in the course selection model. In the spring semester of 2019, SUSTech will officially implement a new course selection system. This new model optimizes the undergraduate course selection system and better guarantee students’ personalized course selection. Students can choose the courses required for their academic development.

Grade the pre-selected course

Under the System, each student initially has 100 points with which to choose courses. Students can assign points to pre-selected courses, based on the importance of prerequisites for their own academic plans. Each course has a minimum value of 1 point, and the total value of a degree is no more than 100 points. Students can only select courses after each course has been assigned points, and then the final course list is determined according to course capacity and points allocated to each course.

This system has several advantages. First, students have enough time to plan their degrees. Second, there are less people trying to select classes at the same time, increasing the equality and rationality behind course selection. Third, students can form their own schedule before the start of the semester, so students don’t have to change courses, ensuring time and energy is put into study as early as possible.

Fully prepared to enhance the practical experience

Before the official implementation, SUSTech first set up a pilot system, and invited 2370 students to take part in it. After the pilot operation, students reported that it worked very well, and provided constructive feedback for its improvement.

Harvest good results

The System officially opened in mid January and closed last week. Students logged into the educational system to get more details about the spring semester courses, grade the pre-selected courses and determine their final course selection.

The System has harvested good results, ensuring that all students could confirm their spring semester schedule prior to start of semester. Students said that compared with previous semesters, this model is more orderly, scientific and rational. Students can better evaluate the value of each course in advance and make more rational choices.

2019, 02-20
By Yiqiu Wu

From the Series


Proofread ByChris Edwards, Xia Yingying

Photo ByOffice of Teaching Affairs


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