Students succeed at ASC19
Mandi Zhu | 03/24/2019

Last week saw Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) students continue their winning ways in the Asia Supercomputer Community (ASC) Student Supercomputer Challenge. For the 2019 preliminary competition of ASC19, three SUSTech teams excelled, setting new standards for future teams at SUSTech.

One team was selected into the top 20 with a second place finish and has qualified for the final stage. The team includes Zhao Jiahua, (2016, Department of Ocean Science and Engineering), Zheng Shuxin (2016, Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering), Lv Junyan, Cheng Pujin and Wang Ziqin, (2016/17, Computer Science and Engineering). The other two teams earned second class prizes in the world.

During the competition, the contestants successfully implemented the AI image super-resolution algorithm on the SUSTech’s “Taiyi” Super Computing cluster. They also transplanted and optimized the Earth System Model CESM, which studies global climate change. Their optimization extrapolated the global climate change from the first decade of the beginning of the Industrial Revolution to the first decade of the 21st century to be accurate to within two days.

The team led by Zhao Jiahua will attend the final stage at Dalian University of Technology from April 21st to 25th and will compete with 19 teams, including universities from mainland China, Hong Kong, Poland, the Netherlands, Estonia, Colombia and South Korea. More than 300 teams from all six populated continents took part in the competition.

2019, 03-24
By Mandi Zhu

From the Series

Campus Life

Proofread ByChris Edwards, Xia Yingying

Photo ByScience and Engineering Computing Center


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