University of Nairobi Chancellor visited SUSTech and ICHEI
Chris Edwards | 04/06/2019

On 2nd April 2019, the delegation of University of Nairobi (the delegation) visited Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) and International Centre for Higher Education Innovation under the auspices of UNESCO (ICHEI).

SUSTech University Council Chairperson GUO Yurong met with the deletion. GUO first briefed the delegation about the development of SUSTech and its diverse international exchange activities. She expressed SUSTech’s willingness to collaborate with University of Nairobi (UoN). Dr. Vijaylaxmi Nassanally Rattansi, UoN Chancellor said that UoN will enhance the collaboration with SUSTech and ICHEI in all respects. They planned to appoint representatives from UoN to participate in the 2019 Seminar on ICT Application in Higher Education for African Countries to be held at SUSTech in June. SUSTech was also invited to participate in the Innovation Week which will also be held in June, in Nairobi.

Prof. LI Ming, Director of ICHEI, and Prof. ZHENG Chunmiao, Vice Provost (Global Strategies) met with the delegation.

Prof. LI welcomed the delegation and invited UoN to deepen the collaboration with ICHEI’s ongoing projects in Africa. He recommended projects like the smart classroom project, the ICT capacity building project, and International Institute of Online Education.

Later that day, Director Dr. John Orindi of Corporate Affairs of UoN and Director Dr. Brian Ouma of University Advancement of UoN both delivered keynote speeches in the General Course—A Glimpse of Africa, with the respective titles of Facing the Challenges in a Changing Era: A Dialogue between University and Society in Talent Cultivation and Boundary and Exploration: The International Cooperation of University of Nairobi. They discussed solutions to the challenges of the changing era by providing a global context while considering the local situation.

Last year, GUO Yurong led a delegation to attend the Pan-African High-Level Conference on Education-Bridging Continental and Global Education Frameworks for the Africa We Want held in Nairobi and visited UoN. This visit laid a solid foundation for the cooperation between SUSTech and UoN. In November 2018, UoN signed a Memorandum of Understanding with SUSTech and ICHEI that covered higher education, science and research and students exchange programmes.

2019, 04-06
By Chris Edwards

From the Series

Global Influence

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