As 2019 graduates depart, what did they leave here?
Chris Edwards | 07/04/2019

As part of the commitment Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) has to maintaining a green and environmentally-friendly campus, all student-centered departments have worked to help the graduating students leave campus in the easiest and most convenient way possible.

All the 2019 graduates have now departed campus, leaving with their wonderful memories and their important belongings. However, they have been instilled with a strong sense of responsibility, as all the dormitories have been left clean and tidy. The graduating students have also donated books, notes and clothes for those in need.

As Class of 2019 graduate Han Yiyuan said: “We have achieved our dreams, and found treasures while here at SUSTech. Our love for SUSTech means that we should treat it well and leave it tidy for future students.” Graduating students left their dormitories as tidy as they were when the students arrived four years earlier.

The Office of Campus Services set up donation areas in every residential college, allowing fabrics, electrical goods and books to be donated. A recycling company will classify the books and fabrics, clean whatever is necessary and then donate goods to the places where it is most needed.

Students also took the opportunity to purchase books and other used articles from their classmates, organized through the Student Union. These funds will be used for poverty alleviation projects in Chaotian Village.

2019, 07-04
By Chris Edwards

From the Series

Campus Life

Proofread ByXia Yingying

Photo ByOffice of Student Affairs


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