6 undergrads to go to MIT on exchange
Chris Edwards | 07/05/2019

Last month, six undergraduate students were selected by the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) – Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Centers for Mechanical Engineering Research and Education to participate in a one-semester exchange program at MIT.

The candidates went through several rounds to be selected for the program, including interviews and recommendations. They also had to explain what they would bring to the program and their research plans.

SUSTech and MIT have been cooperating with each other for over a year in a variety of areas. A maximum of 6 students can partake in this exchange, traveling to Boston to study for one year at MIT. Former head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at MIT Chen Gang spoke about MIT having the best mechanical engineering department in the world that emphasizes research, education and social development, with an interdisciplinary approach that cultivates student’s innovative and entrepreneurial abilities.

Four students have recently returned to SUSTech from their exchange at MIT. Among them, Zhong Rong (2020) from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering won the Louis N. Tuomala Award for Outstanding Performance in Thermal Fluids Engineering. He was highly praised and recognized by the faculty and students at MIT.

2019, 07-05
By Chris Edwards

From the Series

Global Influence

Proofread ByXia Yingying

Photo ByCollege of Engineering


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