Congrats! 1064 admitted as Class of 2023
Chris Edwards | 07/15/2019

Over 42,000 high school candidates in China have applied to Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) undergraduate programs, which is about 30% higher than last year.

Over the weekend, SUSTech has announced its enrollment list, with 1064 undergraduate students from 22 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities across mainland China being admitted.

The number of candidates has reached a new high, which is equivalent to competing for one placement for every 40 candidates. This ratio is expected to increase in next year.

Student quality continues to improve every year, with their average scores in 14 provinces entering the top 1.5%. Further to that, new students from Guangxi (top 0.94%), Guizhou (top 1.0%), Sichuan (top 1.1%), Shanxi (top 1.15%) and Anhui (top 1.18%) represented the best of the best. This increased level of quality is also reflected in the higher rankings of students across numerous provinces and cities, from Beijing and Zhejiang to Hebei and Jiangxi all reporting substantial improvements in rankings.

More than 42,000 students applied to SUSTech, under our “631” comprehensive evaluation admission model. With the university entrance score accounting for 60% and their high school efforts reflecting an additional 10%, the 30% allocated to our three tests helps SUSTech find unique and innovative students to join the SUSTech community in Shenzhen.

20 provinces use a computer test and interview, while Zhejiang Province and the city of Shanghai have adopted the interview, under the new university entrance examination system. SUSTech has also added a physical education test, as per requirements of the Ministry of Education.

There has been a 3.3% increase in the number of students enrolled by SUSTech, with about a 30% increase in applicants.

The comprehensive evaluation admission model continues to evolve as part of an iterative process to form a distinctive, rigorous, scientific, efficient and standardized mechanism for evaluating student ability.

This year saw the 8th time of SUSTech’s adoption of the “631” comprehensive evaluation admission model and it is becoming more mature every year. Such an approach is being emulated by other key universities around mainland China, as an excellent way to incorporate talented future leaders into their student cohorts.

2019, 07-15
By Chris Edwards

From the Series


Proofread ByXia Yingying

Photo ByOffice of Admissions


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