Guangdong Province vice-Governor learns more about SUSTech
Chris Edwards | 10/27/2019

As part of the Annual Research Symposium at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), vice-Governor of Guangdong Province Qin Weizhong and Guangdong Provincial Department of Education Deputy Director Xing Feng were in charge of a delegation to meet with SUSTech leadership. President Chen Shiyi, University Council Vice Chairperson Li Fengliang, Vice President Lu Chun and Acting Vice President Zhang Dongxiao joined other high-ranking officials across SUSTech and the Shenzhen government. The meeting was chaired by Office of Research Director Zhao Yusheng.

In the meeting, President Chen Shiyi gave a briefing about SUSTech to the Guangdong Province delegation, while also reporting on SUSTech’s progress in a range of areas. He thanked both the Guangdong provincial government and Shenzhen municipal government for their long-term support of SUSTech, focusing on the three spiritual pillars of “research, innovation and entrepreneurship,” within the broader arch of its science, engineering and medicine streams. The student-centered education has seen the rapid development of new disciplines and fostering of high-quality talent pipelines, both of which bode well for SUSTech’s goal of becoming a world-class research university, rooted in China.

Following President Chen Shiyi’s presentation, Vice-Governor Qin Weizhong affirmed the achievements of SUSTech, and noted the great importance Guangdong Province places on both higher education and scientific development. As a result, it has kept a close eye on SUSTech’s progress, due to its production of high-quality scientific research results, well-cultivated talent pipelines, and support for regional & national development strategies. He was impressed with the amount of valuable experience SUSTech had gained in its short history, and promised to keep supporting SUSTech’s development. The Vice-Governor hoped that SUSTech would continue its mission of reform and innovation of higher education in China, while taking advantage of the unique opportunities presented to it by the State Council Statement on Shenzhen and the development of the Greater Bay Area.

The Guangdong Provincial Government delegation were at SUSTech for the 2019 Annual Research Symposium, in which he gave an important and inspiring speech.

2019, 10-27
By Chris Edwards

From the Series

University Visitors

Proofread ByXia Yingying

Photo ByZhang Xiaoyan


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