SUSTech Hospital construction officially launched
Chris Edwards | 12/29/2019

On December 28, Southern University of Science and Technology Hospital (SUSTech Hospital) construction was officially launched. As part of the launch, the International Orthopedics Department (IOC) and the SUSTech Greater Bay Area Intelligence and Digital Surgery Innovation Center were unveiled at the launch. High-ranking officials from across Guangdong Province, Shenzhen municipality, SUSTech, universities, and consulates attended the launch ceremony.

The IOC at SUSTech Hospital will bring in 10 top medical experts and led by Professor Duncan Whitwell (University of Oxford Nuffield Department of Orthopedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences) and Professor Jean-Charles Le Huec (Bordeaux University Hospital). The IOC will provide high-quality medical services to establish an orthopedic talent training base that will delve into the cutting-edge of diagnosis and treatment of severe orthopedic diseases.

The SUSTech Greater Bay Area Intelligence and Digital Surgery Innovation Center seek to carry out innovative research. The first phase of development will see the construction of a 3D surgical printing department, a VR surgery department, and a bone implant R&D center.

SUSTech Hospital Dean Pei Guoxian welcomed everyone in attendance, saying that SUSTech Hospital has developed substantially in its short history. It would start from its district-university cooperation to promote new development, with the IOC and SUSTech Greater Bay Area Intelligence and Digital Surgery Innovation Center driving global cutting-edge medical technologies. The establishment of a medical talent training model at SUSTech Hospital will match international standards and support the most advanced medical services for the Greater Bay Area.

Former President of the Air Force Medical University Major General Zhao Yimin congratulated SUSTech on its rapid progress. He wished them all the best for their future development in regional medical care.

IOC Director Professor Jean-Charles Le Huec introduced the members of the expert team. He said he would lead the team to bring the development of orthopedics in Shenzhen to an international standard quickly, for the benefit of citizens across Shenzhen and the Greater Bay Area.

Consulate of the Republic of France in Guangzhou Deputy Consul General Léa Serrero welcomed the introduction of a full-time team of French medical experts. It would build a bridge for medical exchanges and cooperation between China and France

Nanshan District Health Bureau Director Le Lihua said that the development of SUSTech Hospital reflects a new stage in the relationships between Nanshan District and SUSTech. The progress of introducing international talents to the SUSTech Hospital team would further enhance the medical development of the district.

Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee Vice Chairperson Lv Guanghua said that SUSTech Hospital had already started laying its talent pipelines and optimizing its management. It will further improve in a wide range of areas to provide top clinical medical education for Shenzhen and the Greater Bay Area.

SUSTech University Council Vice Chairperson Li Fengliang said that SUSTech Hospital will be responsible for supporting international enterprises and high-level talents with top medical services and health care. SUSTech Hospital will be fully integrated into the SUSTech School of Medicine infrastructure, thus representing a significant benefit for the wider community. He said that district-university cooperation will be promoted further through the complementary advantages to achieve the rapid development of the medical discipline at SUSTech.

Shenzhen Medical Association Executive Chairman and Secretary-General Cai Zhiming said that the expert teams from the United Kingdom and France joining SUSTech Hospital highlights the high level of international cooperation. He hoped that there would be more international medical education and research to connect with world-class medical resources. SUSTech Hospital will work to build a world-class medical talent team that can diagnose and treat severe orthopedic diseases.

Guangdong Medical Association President Yao Zhibin said that SUSTech Hospital would seize the historical and unprecedented opportunities that have arisen from the industrial transformation of the Greater Bay Area and the pioneering demonstration zone of Shenzhen. They would also support Healthy Shenzhen and Healthy China.

After the launch ceremony, a team of IOC experts carried out a free clinic for citizens.

2019, 12-29
By Chris Edwards

From the Series

Campus Construction

Proofread ByXia Yingying

Photo BySUSTech Hospital


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