Institute of Future Networks Technology Associate Professor wins “Top Ten Excellent Young Worker” award
Chris Edwards | 01/10/2020

On January 8, Associate Professor Li Qing from the Institute of Future Networks Technology at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) was one of the winners of the “Top Ten Excellent Young Workers” in Nanshan District at the 14th Youth Culture Festival in Nanshan District.

The Youth Culture Festival commended the outstanding young workers and innovative craftsmen throughout 2019. It aims to praise outstanding young workers in various industries in Nanshan District. These young scholars are building a world-class innovative coastal city center for Nanshan District within the broad umbrella of the development of Shenzhen’s pioneering demonstration zone.

Associate Professor Li Qing has been studying Internet architecture, routing protocols & algorithms, network edge computing, and network intelligent scheduling for more than ten years. He has published more than 70 academic papers in high-impact journals and conferences. Li Qing has applied more than 30 invention patents, with 12 of them being authorized. He has reported at and chaired numerous conferences, while also receiving many awards.

2020, 01-10
By Chris Edwards

From the Series

Success at SUSTech

Proofread ByXia Yingying

Photo ByInstitute of Future Networks Technology


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