Center for Computational Science and Engineering holds 2020 Qiming and Taiyi Star User Awards Ceremony
Xi CHENG | 02/04/2021

On January 20th, the Center for Computational Science and Engineering (CCSE) at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) held its annual Qiming and Taiyi Star User Awards Ceremony.

At the event, Lian-Ping WANG, Director of CCSE and the Chair Professor of the Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering, presented awards to the award-winning users. At the same event, the users were invited to share their experience in using CCSE’s clusters and to provide specific suggestions in areas such as data storage, equipment hosting, user training and communication, etc. Wang and other CCSE staff members then answered related questions from the users and introduced the current state of affairs and future plans of the Center.

This event is held annually in order to promote the exchange among users and showcase the scientific research achievements made by users on SUSTech’s public computing platform.


2021, 02-04

From the Series

Proofread ByAdrian Cremin, Yingying XIA

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