Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra performs special concert at SUSTech
Adrian Cremin | 04/26/2021

On April 26, 2021, the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra performed a special concert at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC. It was held in the Concert Hall of the SUSTech Convention Center, where members of the University and guests from all walks of life enjoyed the performance together.

The performance was conducted by Daye LIN, Music Director and Chief Conductor of the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, and pianist Yu LEI. Their performance included some well-known classic melodies such as “Ode to the Red Flag”, “Yellow River”, “The Founding of a Republic”, “Why are the Flowers so Red”, “In the Field of Hope”, and “The Story of Spring”.

Daye LIN said it was an honor to perform at SUSTech and join in the celebrations with the guests in attendance. He acknowledged SUSTech’s contribution to art and cultural education in recent years and hopes that the students of SUSTech will inspire the world of art and imagination in writing a new chapter in the development of the country.

This event is one of many activities organized by SUSTech to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC. It was also one of the public performances of 2021 for the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra. 

2021, 04-26
By Adrian Cremin

From the Series

Proofread ByYingying XIA

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