SUSTech students claim several awards in multiple international competitions
Adrian Cremin | 05/31/2021

Recently, students from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) excelled in the ACM SIGMOD 2021 Programming Contest and the 45th International Collegiate Program Contests (ICPC East Asia Continent Final).

In the ACM SIGMOD 2021 Programming Contest, a top international academic conference in the field of data science, a team of three undergraduates, Weibao FU, Peiqi YIN, and Lan LU of CSE at SUSTech, won the first prize. They were mentored by SUSTech’s Assistant Professor Bo TANG and Research Assistant Professor Xiao YAN.

SIGMOD is an internationally recognized international conference with the highest academic status in data management, database, and data science. The topics for the annual SIGMOD Programming Contest are based on various data management problems faced by the industry, which aims to promote the academic exchanges of data science graduate and doctoral students in various universities and research institutes worldwide.

In the 45th ICPC East Asia Continent Final, the SUSTech-Madrid team of Haoran CHEN, Tingzhen DONG, and Jiayi ZHOU, won SUSTech’s second consecutive gold medal in the ICPC East-Asia finals. The SUSTech-Zug team of Wenxin CHE, Shuxin LI, and Yifan ZHOU, won the silver medal and the best female team award. Lastly, the SUSTech-Onex team of Han LONG, Yangyang WANG, and Peiqi YIN won the bronze medal to top off an extraordinary performance by SUSTech students in the competition.

In recent years, CSE has attached great importance to student competitions, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Up to now, they have participated in the International Collegiate Program Contests (ICPC), the China Collegiate Programming Contest (CCPC), the Guangdong-Macao-Greater Bay Area Collegiate Programming Contest (GMCPC), and other competitions. As a result, the department has achieved four gold, seven silver, and ten bronze medal awards in all competitions.

2021, 05-31
By Adrian Cremin

From the Series

Proofread ByYingying XIA

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