SUSTech enjoys giant leap up THE World University Rankings 2022
SUSTech Global | 09/03/2021

On September 2, Times Higher Education (THE) released its THE World University Rankings 2022. The Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) has ranked higher this year at 162nd globally. It is the first time SUSTech has entered the top 200 of the THE World University Rankings, demonstrating its significant progress in recent years. SUSTech was also ranked 9th in mainland China.

SUSTech first entered the THE World University Rankings in 2018, and this is the fourth year in a row that it has been ranked within the top 10 in mainland China. This year, 1,662 universities from 99 countries and regions, including 97 universities from mainland China were on the list. SUSTech was able to propel itself into the top 10% of world universities.

Among the five indicators of the THE World University Rankings (Teaching, Research, Citations, Industry Income, and International outlook), SUSTech continues to perform at a high level in Citations and International outlook. For the Citations indicator, SUSTech ranked 33rd in the world and 1st in China.

As an emerging and innovative university, SUSTech has topped several world university rankings. SUSTech ranked 13rd in mainland China and 275th in the QS World University Rankings 2022. Recently, Nature Index also released its 2021 table results based on journals for the period 2019-20. SUSTech ranked 1st in the global Top Ten Rising Stars list. SUSTech’s Nature Index fractional count (Share) has increased from 128.09 to 221.61, and its global ranking has risen from 88th to 41st place. Its national ranking has also improved from 19th to 11th place.

Related links:

THE World University Rankings 2022

THE World University Rankings 2022 Methodology

2021, 09-03
By SUSTech Global

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Proofread ByAdrian Cremin, Yingying XIA

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