SUSTech holds 5th annual CLE Conference on Teaching and Learning
Siqun XU | 11/08/2022

On Oct 29, 2022, the Center for Language Education (CLE) at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) successfully held its 5th annual Conference on Teaching and Learning.

The conference highlighted shared experiences of teaching and learning in an English context at SUSTech. The theme for this year’s conference was “Emerging Trends in Language Teaching and Learning: Explore, Enhance, and Excel”.

After the successful completion of four CLE conferences in previous years, with wider acceptance and recognition, the 5th conference received more attention. 23 presentations were delivered on the day from both faculty members at SUSTech and scholars from Chongqing University, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen Technology University, Peking University Shenzhen Campus, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen (HIT Shenzhen), and Shantou University.

The participants shared and offered their opinions and experiences on teaching and learning.

The 5th CLE Conference on Teaching and Learning

Prof. Xiangdong GU, one of the leading experts in the field of English Language Assessment from the Department of Foreign Languages at Chongqing University, delivered the conference’s keynote speech this year, entitled “From Zero to One: Fostering 21st Century Skills and Life Competences Through Book Review Writing and Publishing”.

Prof. Xiangdong GU as the conference’s keynote speaker this year

In the morning session, speakers from different institutions, departments, and disciplines shared their discoveries, experiences, and good practices of teaching and learning in English.

These speakers included Prof. Huan REN from the School of Medicine at SUSTech, Prof. AJ Bates from the Department of English at Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School (PKU Shenzhen), Dr. Adrian Rowland of CLE at SUSTech, Dr. Simin ZENG from HIT Shenzhen, Dr. Danyang ZHANG from Shenzhen University, and Dr. Xinxin LI from the Department of Ocean Science and Engineering at SUSTech.

In the afternoon session, 16 presenters talked about various topics related to teaching and learning in English or with English as a medium.

Speakers from CLE in the morning session

Afternoon Panel 1, Room 115, Lecture Hall 3

Afternoon Panel 2, Room 116, Lecture Hall 3

The conference demonstrates CLE’s commitment to teaching excellence together with SUSTech community members. It also reflects the focus of education on empowering students with knowledge and skills. Dr. Yuan LI, Director of the CLE, believes that learning in universities is the construction of meaning through language as a system and its use. The quality of meaning and learning achieved is dependent on the extent and quality of exchange between teachers and students. Therefore, the CLE will never stop developing as a promising and excellent language center with a global vision in China.

Dr. Yuan LI, Director of the CLE, giving a speech at the conference

Group photo of participants at the conference

2022, 11-08
By Siqun XU

From the Series

Proofread ByAdrian Cremin, Yingying XIA

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