Academician Mu-ming POO shares research on brain neuroplasticity
Adrian Cremin | 04/16/2021

Recently, Professsor Mu-ming POO, a distinguished neurobiologist and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, visited the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) as a guest speaker of the SUSTech Lecture series.

His lecture, entitled “Neural plasticity – From Synapse to Cognition”, was attended by hundreds of faculty members and students from various departments throughout the University. Professor Mingjie ZHANG, Dean of the School of Life Sciences and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, presided over the lecture.

Professor Mu-ming POO spoke about the “One body, two wings” scheme which is the framework of the China Brain Project “’Brain Science and Brain-Inspired Intelligence” to discuss the importance of brain health and the related medical industry.

He used simple terminology and interesting examples for everyone to get a better understanding of neuroscience, along with the principles and functions of brain plasticity. He showed classic neuroscience research contents, focusing on the plasticity of the brain and the basic structure of neurons.

After his lecture, Professor POO held a question-and-answer session to the delight of the people in attendance.

2021, 04-16
By Adrian Cremin

From the Series

Proofread ByYingying XIA

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