SUSTech hosts Research Center of Geophysical Exploration Frontier Technology seminar
Adrian Cremin | 11/19/2023

The Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) recently hosted the BGP-SUSTech Research Center of Geophysical Exploration Frontier Technology (RCGFT) seminar.

Hongwei FANG, Vice President and Provost of SUSTech, and Xiaofei CHEN, Head of the Department of Earth and Space Sciences (ESS) and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), attended the seminar.

Provost Hongwei FANG delivered a speech on behalf of SUSTech. In his remarks, he noted that SUSTech was established and developed under the background of higher education reform, and was selected into the list of “Double First-Class” universities and disciplines in 2022.

The development of SUSTech has benefited from the strong support of the country, and the rapid growth of the Department of ESS at the University has also benefited from the support and help of enterprises such as BGP Inc., China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC).

He hopes that through this opportunity, both parties can strengthen cooperation in talent training and other areas based on scientific research collaboration.

Shaohua ZHANG, Chairman of BGP, acknowledged the rapid development of SUSTech since its establishment. He said that BGP has also entered a stage of high-quality development in recent years, and its cooperation with SUSTech has brought more innovative ideas and cutting-edge technologies to the organization.

He expects to strengthen cooperation and exchanges in the future, make full use of the BGP-SUSTech RCGFT, and achieve greater results in the field of geophysical exploration.

Peiming LI, Chief Geophysicist at BGP, presented a report and gave his insights on oil and gas geophysics’ current analysis and development trends.

Xiaofei CHEN added that he looks forward to further cooperation between the two parties, focusing more on national strategies and cutting-edge scientific issues, especially the difficult problems in resource exploration, and making greater contributions to the country.

Professor Wei ZHANG and Research Professor Zhanxiang HE, both of the Department of ESS, reported on the department’s achievements and related research progress and the achievements and work plan of the RCGFT, respectively.


2023, 11-19
By Adrian Cremin

From the Series

Proofread ByYingying XIA

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