The 31st Chinese Chemistry Olympiad Candidates attend presentation on SUSTech
Student Press Zhou Xinyi | 11/27/2017

On November 26, 2017, a presentation on SUSTech was held in the First Research Building on the university campus. President of SUSTech Chen Shiyi, Vice-President and Vice-Provost Huang Kefu, Director of the Admissions Office Zhao Hongjun, and Chair of Department of Chemistry Professor Zhang Xumu attended the report, as well as all the participants and attendees of the competition. Professor Zhang presided over the event.

The presentation started off with a broadcast on the big screens displaying the admissions. At each seat, volunteers had placed SUSTech brochures and bottles of water for the audience, most of whom were students who had just finished their exams.

Zhao Hongjun opened the meeting with his report in which he welcomed the members of the audience to SUSTech. He then gave them a broad introduction to the university’s history and development in recent years, as well as to the faculty, the key points which make it different from other universities, and the reformative 6-3-1 enrollment model.

SUSTech President Chen Shiyi then followed and addressed the audience. He smiled and comforted the youngsters, telling them not to worry too much about their performance at the exams. “All the students who come to the Chemistry Olympiad are very good, and I know everyone wants to go to a world-class university, but wherever you will be, that is where the world-class university of the future is”. 

Frequently interjecting humour in his talks, Chen received rounds of applause from the audience who keenly listened. He followed with a presentation on the university’s scholars which include a number of academicians and Thousand Talent Plan holders, and reminded the youngsters that the future of each and every student and the future of SUSTech are inseparable. He concluded saying that he hoped to see many of the top students in the audience again at SUSTech in the future.

Professor Zhang then gave a short talk to introduce the Department of Chemistry of SUSTech, as well as the Shenzhen Grubbs Institute.

Chemistry student Guo Xing concluded the event with a speech on behalf of the other students. He shared with the audience the results of his four-year study and life at SUSTech, including his international experiences during exchanges with overseas universities and his community activities. His personal account of life at SUSTech illustrated the depth of life at the university, far from being solely focused on scientific research, students here can enjoy an all-around development and rich life experience.

After the talk, the students were guided on a tour of the SUSTech campus.

2017, 11-27
By Student Press Zhou Xinyi

From the Series

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Photo ByWang Kaiqiang, Cao Ruoxiao Student Press


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