SUSTech holds postgraduate training seminar
Chris Edwards | 10/03/2019

Earlier this week, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) hosted a postgraduate training seminar, in order to examine innovative models in educating postgraduate students. SUSTech Acting Vice President Zhang Dongxiao and Planning & Development Office Director Wang Susheng took part in the seminar with other senior officials across SUSTech, with Graduate School Vice Dean Yang Shuanghua. Former vice-president of the University of Science and Technology China (USTC) Zhang Shulin and the University of Hong Kong (HKU) Graduate School Vice President Jin Dong-Yan were invited to speak at the seminar.

SUSTech Acting Vice President Zhang Dongxiao talked about SUSTech’s development focusing on its postgraduate training systems. He emphasized that quality is at the center of SUSTech’s postgraduate education, and hoped that new ideas would come out from this seminar.

Former USTC vice-president Zhang Shulin talked about managing postgraduate education with Chinese characteristics. She was vivid in her demonstrations about innovative management techniques, given her 37 years of experience in higher education. Zhang Shulin affirmed SUSTech’s development plans for its postgraduate training.

Jin Dongyan spoke about “The Experiences and Challenges of Research-oriented Education in the University of Hong Kong.” He detailed the postgraduate experience at HKU from a diverse range of points of view.

SUSTech Graduate School Vice Dean Yang Shuanghua briefed the seminar about SUSTech’s postgraduate training, analyzing the challenges and opportunities for the Graduate School.

School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Dean Liu Ke, College of Science Vice Dean He Jiaqing and College of Engineering Vice Dean Zhang Bi all presented their respective postgraduate training programs. They were careful in describing their respective educative programs, providing a SWOT analysis for their schools and colleges.

Attendees discussed many different aspects of postgraduate education, with a view to provide opportunities for improving them. Yang Shuanghu summarized the seminar, saying that there would be further coordination between departments to strengthen the quality of postgraduate training at SUSTech. Zhang Dongxiao pointed out that SUSTech would continue to promote and improve on diverse aspects of its postgraduate education management.

2019, 10-03
By Chris Edwards

From the Series


Proofread ByXia Yingying

Photo BySUSTech Graduate School


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