Vice Minister of Ecology and Environment learns about SUSTech’s environmental protection work
Chris Edwards | 11/11/2019

Following his attendance at the 6th International Symposium on Soil and Groundwater (SG2019) late last month, Vice Minister of Ecology and the Environment and Chairman of the Chinese Society of Environmental Sciences (CSES) Huang Runqiu led a delegation to Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). His delegation was joined by leading officials from CSES, national, provincial and municipal environmental bodies. They came to learn about the School of Environmental Science and Engineering (SESE) and the National Key Laboratory of Comprehensive Control of Environmental Protection Drainage Basin Surface Water-Underground Water Pollution.

Vice Minister Huang Runqiu and the delegation first received a briefing about SUSTech around the 3D campus planning sand table from SUSTech Acting Vice President Zhang Dongxiao. The Vice Minister asked specific questions about the direction of SUSTech’s development, affirming the achievements of the University in its short history.

Vice Provost (Global Strategies) and founding Dean of the SUSTech School of Environmental Science and Engineering Zheng Chunmiao chaired a meeting with high-ranking SESE faculty members and the delegation. They gave detailed introductions about their key laboratories and their important research results.

While on campus, Vice Minister Huang Runqiu encouraged the National Key Laboratory researchers to be actively involved in major national projects, and find ways to transform their research outcomes in technological achievements for the benefit of society.

National Key Laboratory of Comprehensive Control of Environmental Protection Drainage Basin Surface Water-Underground Water Pollution aims to study the prevention & control of surface water groundwater environmental pollution, health risk control & optimization. It also seeks to examine watershed governance, according to the needs of surface water groundwater transformation, comprehensive pollution prevention and control, risk management and optimization management. The National Key Laboratory carries out scientific research and development from three levels of “science technology management”, and carries out the prevention and control and restoration of surface water, soil and groundwater pollution. It strives to build a national high-level research platform for watershed water environment protection and comprehensive prevention and control of surface water groundwater pollution, a “production learning research” center for advanced technology development and promotion, a leading national environmental protection key laboratory and talent training base in China. They will endeavor to specialize in the comprehensive protection and control of surface water and groundwater pollution throughout South China, providing strong scientific & technological support.

2019, 11-11
By Chris Edwards

From the Series

University Visitors

Proofread ByXia Yingying

Photo BySchool of Environmental Science and Engineering


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