SUSTech welcomes donation from Fuyu Museum
Chris Edwards | 12/24/2019

On December 23, the Center for Social Sciences at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) welcomed a donation from the Fuyu Museum in Fuxin, Liaoning Province. Center for Social Sciences Director Zhou Yongming and Fuyu Museum Curator Chen Fuyu were joined by faculty members of the Center for Social Sciences and the Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts.

Center for Social Sciences Director Zhou Yongming welcomed the experts and introduced the cultural heritage research being conducted at SUSTech. The project leader of the Archaeological Ceramic Specimen Database of Heritage Lab explained the current results of the specimen database.

The Archaeological Ceramic Specimen Database of Heritage Lab has received more than twenty thousand specimens from across mainland China and four different countries. They are hoping to collect samples from between five hundred and one thousand sites across the country & world in the next 3-5 years. Their ultimate goal is to develop a database for open research, public exhibition, and education.

The Fuyu Museum is the largest private museum in western Liaoning and has been rated as both a patriotic education base in Fuxin & a folk history museum in Liaoning. The ceramic pieces donated by the museum to the Heritage Lab of the Center for Social Sciences belong to Xinglongwa Culture, Hongshan Culture, Zhaobaogou Culture, Xiajiadian Culture, and other different cultural types from the Early Neolithic to the Late Bronze Age. Some relics of the Liao Dynasty and organic materials such as bones, horns, teeth, mussels, enrich the collection of the prehistoric and historic ceramic pieces of the Heritage Lab in Northeast China. The selection of the period provides important reference materials for the comparative analysis, research, and education of the Heritage Lab.

2019, 12-24
By Chris Edwards

From the Series

Liberal Arts and Humanities

Proofread ByXia Yingying

Photo ByCenter for Social Sciences


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