2020 Summa Cum Laude Graduates Announced
Chris Edwards | 06/11/2020

On June 11, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) held its annual Summa Cum Laude Graduate award ceremony. The ceremony acknowledges the work of its most outstanding students over the previous four years.

Nineteen students stood out from the Class of 2020 to be selected as one of the Summa Cum Laude Graduates for 2020. These students are not necessarily the most academically gifted, but the awards seek to show the well-rounded students that SUSTech has produced.

The judging panel included SUSTech University Council Chairperson Yurong GUO, Vice-Chairperson Fengliang LI, and Vice President Dongxiao ZHANG. Other attendees included the heads of academic and administrative departments. The Residential College deans, student council president, and previous Summa Cum Laude winners were also represented on the panel. The selection of this year’s Summa Cum Laude students was made up of on-site defense, online live broadcast, and audience voting.

University Council Vice-Chairperson Fengliang LI thanked SUSTech for developing the Summa Cum Laude brand. Students qualifying for the final have ideals closely linked to the future of SUSTech and the prosperity of the nation. The Summa Cum Laude graduates represent a new start for these students, and he hoped they would continue to contribute to society.

Each of the 19 students discussed their experiences at SUSTech. They spoke about what they had gained through their educational experiences, scientific research, social practice, campus activities, and hobbies. They used their six minutes on stage to win the approval of the judging panel and the audience.

University Council Vice-Chairperson Fengliang Li announced the list of Summa Cum Laude winners for 2020. They were:

– Linying SHANG (Zhiren College, Chemistry)

– Qikun HU (Zhiren College, Chemistry)

– Gong YUE (Shude College, Computer Science and Engineering)

– Yuancheng XU (Shuli College, Mathematics)

– Yuqing DENG (Zhicheng College, Biomedical Engineering)

– Yi LIU (Zhixin College, Computer Science and Engineering)

– Zhaoxu ZHANG (Zhicheng College, Computer Science and Engineering)

– Shiyi LI (Zhixin College, Computer Science and Engineering)

– Hao MA (Zhiren College, Electronic and Electrical Engineering)

– Jintao ZHENG (Shude College, Electronic and Electrical Engineering)

2020, 06-11
By Chris Edwards

From the Series

Graduate Stories

Proofread ByYingying XIA

Photo ByKaiqiang WANG, Yan QIU


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