SUSTech launches first international open-access journal Sustainable Horizons
Shuyang ZHENG | 10/31/2021

On October 31, 2021, Sustainable Horizons, the first international open-access journal launched by the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), held its inaugural ceremony in Shenzhen.

Sustainable Horizons (SH) is a quarterly, multidisciplinary, and international peer-reviewed golden open-access journal sponsored by SUSTech and has received strong support from the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China and many universities at home and abroad. It publishes original research articles, critical reviews, and perspectives examining science, technologies, policies, and strategies to contribute to a sustainable future for humankind and the planet. The journal strives to integrate interdisciplinary research and communicate key findings to policymakers and the public.

Dongxiao ZHANG, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at SUSTech, Chunmiao ZHENG, member of the Presidential Executive Council and Director of SUSTech Global, Ke LIU, Dean of the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Xin YANG, Dean of the School of Environmental Science and Engineering (ESE), Jingyang LIAO, Deputy Director of the Social Development and Basic Research Division of Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission, Zhuoling LIAO, Strategic Program Director at Elsevier China, and Lan SONG, Director of the SH Editorial Department and Research Associate Professor of ESE, joined the launch event.

2021, 10-31
By Shuyang ZHENG

From the Series

Proofread ByAdrian Cremin, Yingying XIA

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