SUSTech sets new records with 2022 graduate student enrollment
Adrian Cremin | 08/27/2022

On August 27, 2022, the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) welcomed a total of 1,915 postgraduate students, including 1,369 masters and 546 doctoral students, as they enrolled for the next chapter of their academic studies.

Fengliang LI, University Council Chairperson, and Hongwei FANG, Vice President and Provost of SUSTech, Siqi CHEN, Secretary General, along with other members of the University’s leadership team and faculty, welcomed the new students at the registration site.

Chairperson LI praised all the staff members and volunteers for their hard work and diligence in processing the registration of the new graduate students for their upcoming studies.

On arrival at the campus, the new graduate students and their family members were greeted by volunteers who guided them through the enrollment process and took them to the relevant check-in points. 

A rest area was also set up for family members to relax in while the students’ registration was being processed.

This year, the number of new postgraduate students at SUSTech exceeds that of its new undergraduate students.

The University now boasts more than 10,000 students, highlighting its growth and continued commitment to high-level talent training.

To ensure their smooth integration into life at SUSTech, the Graduate School, together with the various colleges, will hold a series of orientation activities for the new students to participate in and become acquainted with their surroundings on campus.

2022, 08-27
By Adrian Cremin

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Proofread ByYingying XIA

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