Delegation from Jingjinji National Center of Technology Innovation visits SUSTech
Jing QIN | 06/03/2024

On May 31, Duoxiang WANG, Director of the Jingjinji National Center of Technology Innovation, led a delegation to visit the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech).

Xueming YANG, Vice President of SUSTech, among others, held discussions with the guests, with the event being presided over by Ruijun TIAN, Director of the Technology Transfer Center and Associate Dean of the Guangming Advanced Research Institute at SUSTech.

Vice President Xueming YANG acknowledged the Jingjinji National Center of Technology Innovation for its support and guidance to SUSTech. He also emphasized the significance of key projects for the University’s development.

In recent years, SUSTech has leveraged its extensive and high-level scientific research capabilities to secure substantial support from a series of national and local key projects. Additionally, SUSTech has engaged in close industry-university-research collaborations nationwide, providing technical support to develop the local industrial economy.

Vice President YANG hopes that this visit will further enhance industry-university-research cooperation, promoting the development of local industries with the backing of the Jingjinji National Center of Technology Innovation.

Duoxiang WANG commended SUSTech for its rapid and high-quality development and delivered a special report on Reform and Practice on National Disruptive Technology Innovation.

Providing an in-depth overview of the characteristics, evolutionary paths, innovative organizational models, and working mechanisms of disruptive technologies, Mr. WANG also discussed typical practices for nurturing disruptive technologies worldwide. He encouraged the University to accelerate innovation in disruptive technologies and seize strategic advantages in science and technology.

During the meeting, both sides engaged in in-depth discussions on application precautions and strategies for deploying disruptive technologies across various fields. They also explored future cooperation models.

More than 30 members from SUSTech participated in the discussions. This included leaders and faculty representatives from the Office of Laboratory & Equipment Management, College of Semiconductors, College of Science, College of Engineering, School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, and Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

2024, 06-03
By Jing QIN

From the Series

Collaboration and Cooperation

Proofread ByAdrian Cremin, Yingying XIA

Photo ByTechnology Transfer Center


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